Middle School Preseason & Showcase

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Payments will be made through going to the above button link. VENMO: Highstar-Hoops, CASHAPP: $HIGHSTARHOOPS100
Team Consent:

I/We understand that Highstar Hoops conducts fundraising and volunteering activities in addition to the registration fee and that each player/parent is strongly encouraged and expected to participate. I/We are willing to participate in activities for the Highstar Hoops.

Consent/Waiver Agreement:

I/We consent to our child participating in the Highstar Hoops. In participating in Highstar Hoops, I hereby acknowledge that I/We understand that there are risks of accidents resulting in bodily harm arising out of those activities. I/We understand that Highstar Hoops activities are planned with the safety of the participants in mind. In case of emergency, accident, or illness, if I/We are not present, I/We hereby give our permission for the coach or representative of the Highstar Hoops to obtain any required medical attention my child may need. I/We will notify the coach of any physical limitations (allergies, hearing, sight, etc.) or other additional information they need to know about my/our child. I/We further acknowledge that my child has the physical capacity reasonably necessary to engage in Highstar Hoops activities for which I have enrolled. I/We agree to be the party responsible for all medical expenses incurred on my behalf. It is understood and agreed that Highstar Hoops, Boards, employees, volunteers, and agents shall be held harmless against all claims, damages, loss, or expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from participation in Highstar Hoops. I/We agree that any pictures taken may be used for future promotions for Highstar Hoops.

I have read the above waiver and understand the contents.